The Creaking Chair - Part II

06 January 1998 I was almost enticed to skip my daily ritual, My bath with cold water at 5 in the morning I haven't failed for the last 63 years,but once... Though i must accept, there were a few close calls, once when Anne added ice cubes into the bucket.. What laugh she had at the site of my horrid face, dripping with water,shivering, I had rushed out of the bath to have my revenge... 12 January 1956 - If you wish to humour yourself with the details... Now that I mention the singular ocassion when I did skip the routine,I must elaborate.. I doubt I had time for a diary entry that day!! I'm sure had I even tried it,Kashish would have killed me, She was already furious over my morning act of stupidity... When she had been angry on me for the first time, she had innocently added salt into my tea,for sugar.. And had stood by,watching me spue,stone faced, but I had the best chocolate cake that afternoon... The next time...