
Showing posts from August, 2010


I should be a Poet, I had thought that day... What beautiful verse had I read, I cannot remember... Must have been William Wordsworth, or was it Frost... On a second thought I imagine, It was She.... Blissful Night or some other tag, I don't really recollect the phrases... I only remember the rhythm, music for the first time I read that day... The cupids arrow had struck Gold, Love at first sight.... "Words" I was enthralled... I had never experienced more pleasure, in the plunge... The ocean of words, like a shimmering tiara, in the afterglow of my newly found love... Even the detestable cult of flattery, finding innumerable synonyms in my dictionary... Reflections in my memory suggest, i wanted to describe my inspirer, in the nascent verses of mine... Am i trying to describe, the birth of the poet in me... or am I trying to hide, the identity of she, imprisoned in me.... I suddenly shudder.... These questions,  that become my boundaries, imaginations curbed, Its on...

Whisper Of Love

I would rather ask, than judge or shall i pray, not say my options confused, my thoughts consumed Wish I could look into your eyes for answers, I can't find, for no reason, Just for smiles... Standing face to face, I'm transparent, not opaque you look through me, like a thin film of  non-existent air, at times... Another time in the sand-watch; You are my guiding light my destined path, The voice that echoes the hand, that holds on my dreams, my life... Wish i could express  without saying, looking into your eyes; Wish you could hold me through my fears tonight... Whisper in my ears  those magical words I care,I love we'll stay this way... Hold my hand, need no promises be made A silent vow, That you'll kiss my heart my soul will live in you forever, till eternity... -Ashk

इन्तहा की हद क्या है

एक गुलाब को अपने होंठो की नमी पे सम्हालो, पलकों को एक दूजे से मिला दो,  सांसों को उसके खयालो में समां जाने दो... अब उस पंखुड़ी को अपने से दूर करने की कोशिश करो, पर आंख न खोलना, होंठों लो एक दूजे से जुदा न करना, सांसो की लए न बढ़ाना, "वो लम्हा इन्तहा की हद है" समंदर के किनारे बैठ के, लहरों को पत्थर से टकराके भी गाते सुनो, उस एक पल के लिए उसकी यादों को दूर जाने दो, फिर जब वो लहर समंदर में कही खोने वाली हो, उस लम्हा, उसका चेहरा आँखों में उतारो, "वो पल इन्तहा की हद है" एक शायर की शायरी पढो, और फिर उसके शब्दों की गहराई उसी की जुबानी सुनो, जिन शब्दों में उसकी रुदाली  उसकी आँखों में झलक आये, उन शब्दों में अपनी ज़िन्दगी के किसी पल को रख दो  फिर उस पल की बेचैनी को जियो, "ये इन्तहा की हद है" किसी गवैये को वो गीत गाने को कहो, जिससे वो अपने रूठे महबूब को मनाता हो, फिर उस गीत में उन पंक्तियों में  जहाँ उसने तारीफ की हो उनकी अदा की, उस लम्हे में उनकी अदा को यद् करो, "वो लम्हा इन्तहा की हद है" एक सुबह सूरज के साथ उठो, ठंडी हवा को सीने से लगाओ खूब हसो, खूब ...

The Sunday Newspaper Read.....

He came home, 8 in the evening... played basketball,  shortest of the lot.. It was the same scene, so obscene, it had lately become a routine... God give him strength, before evil breaks into his head... The man had a fluffy body,fat face must have drunk beer, till his stomach ached.. Bruises on his cheek, a brawl in the bar maybe, is what the boy conceived.. The hand that had fallen swiftly, on his sight, had a metal bar, did he dare strike??? Full of terror, She was huddled in that corner, The single drop of blood on her split lip, shone brightly across her face, white in fear... what fate!!! The boy shouldn't have cared.... "My Jordan's back home, give him some cookies, Oh mother of his"; how quickly did she wipe her tears, that beautiful smile he loved the most, how much it hides, he now realised... She limbed across,  the iron was hot, He swore, if the man had laughed....