The Passive Observer - On the other side ...
Fear, an emotion; I have never felt striking me with such a strong force before. Like the air gushing out of my systems without my the sound of the unknown shrieking in my a consistent itch...Like I want it to i want to be absolved of the guilt that has been gnawing at my consciousness...paralysed by the fear of the act... I speak for equality...I speak against the acts of horror against women...I speak for a community of men who do not speak on the idea of equal human rights... But I fear...for I am a Man...a Man who fears the ire of the feminist brigade...a Man who fears the rejection from the community of brother hood....a Man who would be questioned on his orientation if he goes too far to support the cause of the "Pink" revolution...someone who would be looked at with queer eyes and questioning intentions...Courage is always the second step to change...the first is the acceptance within oneself, of and from the community...