The Creaking Chair – Part XIV
11th July 1999
“I am writing to you in a state of unbridled passion
I have intoxicated myself on poetries from Pablo Neruda
I have intoxicated myself on poetries from Pablo Neruda
and the 90’s Bollywood love songs
Remember how you found my love for ‘Zara Zara’ from RHTDM
to be hopelessly romantic !
I am in one of those moods right now
And it’s pouring outside completing the setting for reminiscence
It’s funny how in spite of calling myself a poet,
I have never written many letters to you
That is supposed to be the thing with lovers who are poets, right?
Wasn’t that my biggest pull when I tried to woo you?
Oh those were the days !
The butterflies in the stomach, the incessant checking for text messages
Do you even know how many times, I wrote an entire poetry
just because I wanted to tell you something
and was too shy to speak to you directly
How far have we come from there
From writing messages through my words
to concealing messages between my words
and you still read me; with all my apostrophes and full stops.”
I found this handwritten note in one of Pablo Neruda’s anthologies yesterday
I think it was ‘twenty Love poems & a song of despair’
the letter was half-written, in fact I was just getting started
and I don’t remember why did I stop
This was the time when she was in a foreign land
and we decided to experiment with letters so that we would have a story to tell later
Maybe it was a call from her that made me stop writing
or it was the use of full stop – like a valve shutting off the flow of thoughts & emotions
~ Ashk
P.S. - Should it be ‘Lovers who are poets’ or ‘poets who are lovers’?
P.P.S. – The letter must have been somewhere in the early August of 1949 or 1950
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