The Enchanting Night
The best ever poetry
ever created,
is the night itself…
ever created,
is the night itself…
The most melodious song
sung ever,
is the night itself…..
sung ever,
is the night itself…..
Night has been my mistress. She has captivated me,enchanted me and to be perfectly honest, has completely mesmerized me.It is a vision beyond normal, a dream beyond realism.The beauty and the augustness of the mystical sand that falls over the planet at night, is a rhythm deeper than one can ever listen or feel.
The deepest revelations of one’s soul and heart are done in the sacred silence of the night.The very smell of the grass covered with dew,as it strikes the senses,opens up a sequence of memories that run through the mind.The seductress approach of the night in the chill of the winter plays a million images in the mind.The illusions created by the solemn nights of autumn is a dream in itself.
My captivation of night, in particular, dates back to the times of childhood.Those nights, when lying on the bed, i used to stare at the starry sky, and wonder about the limits of one’s dreams.The sweet stupid games played with my mates, making identifiable shapes out of the millions of bright spots that covered that night sky.
The charm of night never has diminished.The essence has taken different shapes, though, just like those stars which used to be at different places, each night.Days have slipped, and so have the nights.The sky,the stars,the moon,the silvery dust still remain the same. What has changed is me,my thoughts,my dreams,my vision.Still the enchantment remains the same.
Still night remains my sacred sanctum sanctorum.The time when i am what i am.The place where i fear none,where i live my dreams,where i fret and cry.The time when i sew my soul and dip it in the holy drape of silver dust and transmute into the original me.The time when an insomniac dreams…….
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